
National Honor Society

What does the NHS Moto mean?

Scholarship, Character, Leadership, Service

NHS Code  | www.nationalhonorsociety.org

NHS Logo

Facts about NHS

  • National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that recognizes high school students who excel in academics, leadership, services and character.

  • It is one of the oldest well-known student organizations in American high schools.

  • ORR NHS is comprised of Juniors and Seniors.

  • NHS Inductions of new members happens in May each year.


ORR Requirements for NHS

  • ORR NHS students commit to 50 service hours per year.

  • ORR NHS holds 2 Blood Drives per year.

  • Members must maintain 3.75 GPA

  • Uphold ALL pillars of NHS

NHS Contact

Ms. Julie Hinker

NHS Advisor | 6th-12th School Counselor

ORR School District 39-6

605-586-4352 | julie.a.hinker@k12.sd.us