National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that recognizes high school students who excel in academics, leadership, services and character.
It is one of the oldest well-known student organizations in American high schools.
ORR NHS is comprised of Juniors and Seniors.
NHS Inductions of new members happens in May each year.
National Honor Society
What does the NHS Moto mean?
Scholarship, Character, Leadership, Service
NHS Code |

Facts about NHS

ORR Requirements for NHS
ORR NHS students commit to 50 service hours per year.
ORR NHS holds 2 Blood Drives per year.
Members must maintain 3.75 GPA
Uphold ALL pillars of NHS
NHS Contact
Ms. Julie Hinker
NHS Advisor | 6th-12th School Counselor
ORR School District 39-6
605-586-4352 |