The Rutland School District was notified that the federal government has extended FREE meals for ALL of our enrolled students. This includes breakfast and lunch through May 2022.
Please Note: Extra Items above the regular meal are not included in the free meal offering. Extra items will be charged to the family account accordingly. This includes milk if your child needs to purchase milk for sack lunch, extra milk at lunch or milk breaks, and seconds during lunch.
Families with a balance of $20.00 or less will continue to receive notification, as a communication tool for those continuing to make purchases during this time. To avoid receiving the low balance notification, you will need to maintain a balance of $20.00 or more in your account.
It is extremely important for all eligible families to continue completing the free and reduced applications for your meal status. This way your family will continue to receive free/reduced meals when United States Depart of Agriculture funding runs out. It also helps our district when applying for valuable grant money.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or call 605-586-4352.