A Special School District Election will be held on May 10, 2022 in all the voting precincts in School
District No. 39-4, Rutland, South Dakota. If the polls cannot be opened because of bad weather, the election may be postponed one week.
The election polls will be open from seven o'clock a.m. to seven o'clock p.m. (central daylight) time on the day of the election.
At the election, the following question will be voted upon:
The reorganization plan will consolidate the Rutland School District 39-4 and the Oldham-Ramona School District 39-5, as a new school district with the potential of a new school building on or near Hwy 81. The new district would become operational July 1, 2023, pursuant to SDCL 13-6. The following tax levy opt out was passed by the governing boards on March 28, 2022 as part of the reorganization plan. The tax levy opt out will not become effective unless approved by majority vote. We therefore OPT OUT of such tax limitation in the amount of $ 500,000 starting with calendar year 2023, taxes payable in the calendar year 2024. This opt out will be for 5 years, which will be through taxes payable in the calendar year 2028.
FOR the reorganization plan
AGAINST the reorganization plan
The polling place in each precinct of this district is as follows:
Rutland Gymnasium
Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the school business manager at 605-586-4352 before the election for information on polling place accessibility for people with disabilities.
Crystal Hansen
Business Manager